Dear Followers

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Remember GiGi?

     Months back, I had finished "Gigi's Garden".  While working on her though, she was renamed "LiLi".  The beautiful young lady that she was going to, who by the way, will be my daughter-in-law come May, renamed her.  Well! I saw a picture this morning of LiLi, with the frame that my son made and painted for her.  She is all hung in her new home and being loved.  Here she is. Now

I have to admit that the linen isn't perfectly straight.  I struggled to no end to get it perfect but failed.  I learned about the Hardanger on this piece.  Figured it out myself and did it and redid it time after time until both sides matched.  She was then mounted on the material covered foam board and sent off to NH.  Lisa loves the fact that she isn't perfect! How about that?

     I want to bring to make sure to mention my latest new follower! Check out  Acorn to Oak.  Oh my goodness! This lady does beautiful work.  Fantastic shawls.  Check her blog out.  She's as sweet as can be by the way.  Welcome aboard!

     Bill has been working on three new raised beds in the back yard.  Some good garden soil will be delivered this week.  Very excited about this.  This does make me remember though, to ask that you keep Bill in prayer.  We found out that he has a bit of prostate cancer last Friday.  Today is the bone scan and come the 15th., we'll be seeing the doctor to discuss treatment options.  This is in the beginning stages and God is a great God.  This is very curable in this early stage.

     I've been busy with the cape that I just started as well as the wedding sampler.  Sampler is worked on during the day when the light is the best, and knitting is in the evenings.  Will have pictures of both projects on my next post.

     Until I post again, ya'll take care and be safe.  Enjoy all the things you love and "feel the colors".  Love you lots!


  1. LiLi is cute!

    Hugs and prayers for you both!

    1. Thank you. so much Terri. We'll be talking with the doctor on the 18th. about treatment options. Thank you so much for the prayers.

  2. Lili looks good in that frame. I keep looking at the wonderful framing and the beautiful stitching! And you taught yourself hardanger! I've been wanting to learn that, and may have to follow your example.

    1. Cathy~Thank you so much for the comments. You go for it girl. Since I've done LiLi, I've been noticing all the Hardanger projects and they are beautiful. The work with it in this piece is just a simple pattern, but I enjoyed it.

      Also Cathy. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. A bone scan came back looking great, so that was certainly a blessing.

  3. Also, you and Bill will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Thoughts and prayers are being sent to Bill & you too.

    Cute finish!

    1. Thank you so much Cole. Bone scan came back negative which is certainly a good thing. Next appointment is on the 18th.

  5. She looks cute in that frame!

    Praying for you and particulary for Bill and the doctors, that they will know the right course of treatment! Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much Wilma. Another appointment on the 18th will clue us in on all the options for the treatments. Those prayers are appreciated.

  6. Lili is just beautiful... you must be very pleased :-)

    Please know that I am sending positive thoughts and energy to you, Bill and your family. So happy to hear that it was caught early on... I know how important that can be.

    1. Tracey. Thank you so very much for the thoughts and energy. Bone scan came back negative which is a blessing and an answer to prayer. We'll find out soon the options for treatment and we'll go from there. God is good and will be with us all the way.

      I think of you often dear friend and keep you in prayer as well.

    2. Thanks so much, Linda Lee... I am feeling stronger with more energy everyday ☺
      Yay!!!! I am so thrilled that the bone scan came back negative. We have a dear friend that went through the same thing as your Bill; he also caught it early and is doing fantastic.

  7. Awww...thanks for the kind words. That's so sweet of you.

    I love your LiLi garden stitchery. She's so cute!

    Prayers and all the best to Bill. So glad it was caught early. That's such great news!

    Happy stitching! :-)

    1. Keep those prayers coming! The bone scan proved to be negative.

  8. Your finish is just lovely. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and Bill. I am glad they caught it early.

    1. Thank you Mary. Thank you for the prayers. We so appreciate them and they are indeed being answered. The bone scan was negative which is a big blessing.

  9. I am retiring in 78 days and I know that I will have a lot more time for crafts.

    I am sorry to hear about your husband - glad that the scan was negative.

    And, I totally agree with you about Acorn to Oak. I can't believe the shawls she knits.

  10. Hi Carol~I am so happy that you're getting ready to retire. I've been retired for close to 10 years now and I have never once wished that I was still working. I've known people that say that they're bored, but I have way too many pretty things to make and do to be bored.

    Bill has decided to have surgery and I fully support his decision. I'm sure he'll do good.

    Thank you so much for your visit.


Thank you to each and every one of my friends and followers for your comments. I read each and every one of them and try to answer all. Come back again soon. Love you!